Infiniton HCT-200 Manual do usuário

Manual do usuário
User's manual / manual de instrucciones / manual de instruçoes
Precaución: lea y conserve estas importantes instrucciones
Caution: please read and preserve these important instructions
This product is only suitable for well insulated spaces or occasional use.
Este producto solo es adecuado para espacios cerrados o uso ocasional.
Este produto só é adequado para espaços bem isolados ou uso ocasional.
Instrucciones de seguridad
Para conocer las instrucciones acerca de la
instalación, consulte la sección "MONTAJE DEL
CALEFACTOR" en la página 6 del manual.
utilizar el calefactor.
IMPORTANTE: Lea detenidamente estas
instrucciones antes de utilizar el calefactor.
Guarde estas instrucciones para futuras
NOTA: Estos calefactores están concebidos para
un uso portátil en interiores únicamente.
No utilice el calefactor como un aparato portátil
si sus patas no están correctamente acopladas.
Asegúrese de que el voltaje de la toma
de corriente a la que vaya a enchufar el
calefactor corresponda con el de la placa de
especificaciones del aparato y que la toma
cuente con conexión a tierra.
Mantenga el cable de alimentación alejado del
cuerpo del calefactor, ya que éste se calienta.
No utilice el calefactor cerca de una bañera, una
ducha o una piscina.
No lo utilice en exteriores.
Security instructions
• For instructions on installation, refer to the section
"HEATER ASSEMBLY" on page 6 of the manual.
• Read the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS before using the
• IMPORTANT: Read these instructions carefully before
using the heater. Save these instructions for future
• NOTE: These heaters are designed for indoor use
• Do not use the heater as a portable device if its legs
are not properly attached.
• Make sure the voltage of the outlet
The current to which the heater will be connected
corresponds to that of the appliance's rating plate and
that the socket has a ground connection.
• Keep the power cord away from the heater body, as
it heats up.
• Do not use the heater near a bathtub, shower or
• Do not use on outdoors.
• Do not cover or obstruct any hot air outlet grilles
or the air inlet slots of the heater.
• Do not place the heater on long-haired carpets.
• You should not place the heater directly below an
• Always make sure you place the heater on a flat,
firm surface. Make sure the heater is not near
curtains or furniture, as this could cause a fire
• Do not place the heater in front of an outlet, or
directly below it.
• Do not insert any object in the grids
of hot air outlet or in the air inlet grilles of the
• Do not use the heater in areas where flammable
liquids are stored or where flammable gases may
be present.
• Special care should be taken when placing the
heater in a room occupied by children or disabled
• Always unplug the heater when moving it from
one place to another.
WARNING: In order to avoid overheating, do
not cover the heater.
• Children under 3 years of age should stay away
from the appliance, unless they have continuous
supervision by an adult.
• Children between the ages of
3 and 8 years can only turn on and off
the device if they are supervised or have received
instructions regarding the use of the device
safely and understand the risks that this implies; and
as long as the device
is placed or installed in its normal operating position
for which it has been designed. Children between the
ages of 3 and 8 should not plug in, adjust or clean the
device or perform general maintenance tasks by the
• CAUTION: Some parts of this product may reach
very high temperatures and cause burns. Special
attention should be paid to children and vulnerable
people when they are present.
• CAUTION: In order to avoid unnecessary risks due
to the accidental restart of the thermal switch, do
not connect the appliance to the mains power
through external switching devices (eg a timer), or a
circuit that is regularly turned on and off by said
If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by
the manufacturer, its technical service or a person duly
qualified to do so in order to avoid unnecessary risks.
• This device can be used by children over 8 years of age
and people with reduced physical, sensory or mental
abilities or without the necessary experience and
knowledge if they are supervised or have received
instructions regarding the use of the device safely and
understand the risks what this implies
• Children should not be allowed to play with the
• Cleaning and maintenance operations by the user can
not be carried out by children, unless they are supervised
by an adult.
Thanks for your purchase. For more convenience in the use of your
new device, we advise you to read this instruction manual carefully
and keep it.
Packing content
Heater unit
Technical specifications
· Nominal voltage: 230V ~ 50 / 60Hz
· Nominal power: 2000W
· Class of insulation: I
Installation of the heater
Before using the heater,
you must attach the legs
(supplied separately
in the box) to the unit. You must dock
The legs to the base of the heater
with the 8 screws supplied,
making sure they are placed
correctly at the lower ends of the side
moldings of the heater.
NOTE: It is normal that heaters that are lit for the first time, or when
they are turned on again after a long period of time without having
used them, give off some smell of smoke. These will disappear when
the heater is on for a period of time.
1. Choose a suitable place to place the heater, taking into account the
safety instructions indicated above.
2. Connect the plug of the heater to a suitable outlet.
3. Turn the thermostat knob fully clockwise until the maximum setting
is selected.
4. Turn on the heater components, using the rocker switches on the
side panel. When the heating components are on, the switches will
illuminate. To get the maximum hot air out, both switches must be on.
5. When the room has reached the desired temperature, you should
slowly turn the thermostat knob counterclockwise until a click is heard
and the light switches on the components switches off. Next, the
heater will maintain the air temperature in the room at the selected
temperature, turning on and off automatically.
6. In the minimum position (turned completely counterclockwise), the
thermostat provides frost protection. In this position (depending on the
size of the room) the heater will maintain the temperature above zero
Fan switch: Controlled by the switch that contains the fan symbol on
the side. The fan only works with the thermostat in the on position and
can be used when the heating components are on, to give off hot air in
the room. In warm environments, the fan can be used with the heating
elements turned off, to give off cold air in the room.
Cleaning and maintenance
Always unplug the heater from the outlet and allow
the appliance to cool before cleaning.
Wipe the outside of the heater with a damp cloth and
wipe it off with a dry cloth. Do not use abrasive
detergents or allow water to enter the heater.
Instruções de segurança
• Para instruções sobre a instalação, consulte a
seção "CONJUNTO DO AQUECEDOR" na página 6
do manual.
usar o aquecedor.
• IMPORTANTE: Leia atentamente estas instruções
antes de usar o aquecedor. Guarde estas
instruções para referência futura.
• NOTA: Estes aquecedores são projetados apenas
para uso interno.
• Não use o aquecedor como um dispositivo
portátil se as pernas não estiverem bem fixadas.
• Certifique-se de que a voltagem da tomada
A corrente à qual o aquecedor será conectado
corresponde à da placa de classificação do
aparelho e que o soquete tem uma conexão de
• Mantenha o cabo de alimentação longe do corpo
do aquecedor, enquanto ele se aquece.
• Não use o aquecedor perto de uma banheira,
chuveiro ou piscina.
• Não use ao ar livre.
• Não cubra ou obstrua as grelhas de saída de ar
quente ou as ranhuras de entrada de ar do
• Não coloque o aquecedor em tapetes de cabelo
• Você não deve colocar o aquecedor diretamente
abaixo de uma tomada.
• Certifique-se sempre de colocar o aquecedor em
uma superfície plana e firme. Certifique-se de que o
aquecedor não esteja perto de cortinas ou móveis,
pois isso pode causar um risco de incêndio.
• Não coloque o aquecedor em frente a uma tomada
ou diretamente abaixo dela.
• Não insira nenhum objeto nas grades
de saída de ar quente ou nas grelhas de entrada de
ar do aquecedor.
• Não use o aquecedor em áreas onde líquidos
inflamáveis são armazenados ou onde gases
inflamáveis possam estar presentes.
• Cuidados especiais devem ser tomados ao colocar
o aquecedor em uma sala ocupada por crianças ou
pessoas com deficiência.
• Sempre desconecte o aquecedor ao movê-lo de um
lugar para outro.
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Infiniton HCT-200 Manual do usuário

Manual do usuário

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